Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Author Bio: Brenna

Name: Brenna Braaten (username Annerb)

Genre: Like Sarah I have mostly novel-length stories with some short stories in literary fiction. My favorite genre is fantasy, but I also dabble in science fiction, literary fiction and realistic fiction. I would love to get into steam punk as well, I just have to figure out how to do it well first.

Works in Progress: I also have many. I have several novels that I'm working on right now, not to mention the short stories I have been putting off editing for the last several years. I suppose I'll have to get on that, soon. Stories include: Alona, Kino, Aine story, Serah story and some other stuff.

Bio: You know that place where you sit down and try to write, but nothing seems to come to mind. Or, you force yourself to write, but you know it's almost done more harm than good? That would be the writer's block we titled this blog after. Writer's block does suck, and I know because I currently am in it. I have been creating stories since forever, playing surprisingly complex and plot-driven make believe stories. When I was 12 I started writing my first novel, which I slowly worked on for roughly seven years. I ended up at the University of Montana for creative writing. I've participated in NaNoWriMo annually since 2006, except last year when I had to quit due to too much homework. I'm currently looking for a job as a copy editor, since I also received a degree in journalism and am a very hard-core word nerd.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Author Bio: Sarah

Name: Sarah Robertson (and my username is mizutaka)

Genre: Mostly novel-length speculative fiction of the sci-fi sort, but I've written short stories of the literary fiction sort and I've been dabbling in fantasy, steam punk, and realistic fiction. I don't like to limit myself to one thing, and I tend to write different things in order to challenge archetypes.

Works in Progress: Many. I have seven novel-length works, which is a little pathetic, and multiple short stories that I've been tinkering around with for a while. I won't get into any details now, but stuff to look out for in the future: Kaleidos, AROS, Lazuli, Kai Story, Treese Story, Epic, and Good Drinks.

Bio: We thought it was a cute title, but writer's block sucks and I'm the S in BS, which doesn't bode well for me I suppose. Maybe I'll just pretend we're yelling BS to writer's block. Hmm. Anyway, I've been writing since before I can remember and my first "book" was titled Nicki and Noel. It was about a cat and a dog who ended up in a situation that was somewhat similar to the movie Milo and Otis. Only different. To my mother's chagrin, I proceded to give this book away. Since then I wrote a bunch of terrible things in middle school, messed around on fanfiction.net, and went to the University of Montana for creative writing. I've participated in NaNoWriMo annually since 2006, which is always an interesting experience, but sadly have yet to complete a novel-length story. On the other hand, I do have some short stories and one of them, titled "Copernicus Goes to London the Third," was published in the 2010 edition of Scribendi, which is cool. Right now I'm in a post-graduation funk and trying to get stuff done, so wish me luck, yes?